Statistics clearly demonstrate that ludopathy (gambling addiction) in Ukraine is not a problem and it is not widespread.
Back in November 2021, the independent sociological survey was conducted on the attitude of citizens to the gambling business in Ukraine with the support of the Ukrainian Gambling Council. Based on its results, it was determined that Ukrainians do not have any problem with gambling addiction. It was also found that in general, the population has a positive attitude towards the legalization of gambling, because they understand the positive economic effect of the reform for the Ukrainian economy and budget.
92.3% of the study participants stated that they had no experience of gambling at all. Only 7.2% of respondents indicated that they would not mind playing at least one gambling game in the future. That is, we can see that Ukrainians are generally not very interested in gambling, and therefore "pandemic of ludopathy" simply cannot exist.
The results of the survey, which was conducted 1.5 years ago, currently is confirmed by official statistics recently released by Ivan Rudyi, the head of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL). According to these data, the number of cases of ludopathy in Ukraine is insignificant, and players who suffer from it are ready to seek help on their own.
1. Currently, there are 687 entries in the register of persons who are restricted from access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling. Of these, 686 were made on the basis of statements about self-limitation. That is, almost 100% of people who understand that they have certain problems with gambling addiction have independently requested to limit them.
2. The absolute majority of applications were submitted for men – 643 entries. At the same time, the age range of the majority of players (550 people) in the register varies from 21 to 40 years old. This also corresponds to the data of our survey, according to which men are most actively interested in gambling precisely in this age range.
It turns out that less than 8% of Ukrainians are generally interested in gambling. The few hundred people who have some sort of gambling problems do not even make up 1% of the total gambling population. In addition to that, given the activity of legal gambling organizers in implementing the principles of responsible gambling, it is unlikely that these cases of ludopathy appeared through legal companies. Legalization of businesses, on the other hand, gave people with gambling problems a legal opportunity to seek help and limit their participation in gambling.
The real reasons for gambling addiction should be sought in illegal gambling halls and online platforms. For legal gambling organizers, on the contrary, there should be created appropriate regulatory and tax conditions in order to facilitate the implementation of the principles of responsible gambling and fight against sporadic manifestations of ludopathy that exist among players in Ukraine.