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Using legal gambling services is safe and patriotic

Every business sector has its rules of operation and interaction with partners and clients. Well, if this business is legal, of course. The illegal one usually follows only one rule: make money even by breaking the rules.

Gambling, like any other sphere of life and activity, has its code of conduct, obligations, and regulation of actions. In its decision, the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL) defined basic operating principles of legal gambling operators in Ukraine and approved Responsible Gaming Principles.

Thus, only legal gambling:

· ensures the identification of a gambler or visitor and guarantees non-participation of children and teenagers in gambling and the receipt of winnings by gamblers, as well as non-disclosure of information about such winnings to third parties;

· prohibits persons with limited access to participation in gambling and persons with pronounced gambling addiction to gamble;

· does not stimulate the gambler’s losses by offering bonuses, gifts, etc.;

· runs gambling addiction prevention programmes by posting accessible informational materials on gambling addiction and responsible gambling, as well as the activities of organizations, medical institutions, and/or health care workers treating gambling addiction (contact details, support hotlines);

· informs gamblers/visitors about:

- its license to organize and conduct gambling and the rules followed by a gambling operator;

- the rules to follow in a gambling establishment;

- gambling rules and possible loss or loss of money;

· ensures that employees are instructed on responsible gambling principles and that they know the criteria for pathological and problematic gambling, as well as measures to prevent (avoid) gambling addiction among gamblers.

In addition, legal gambling operators in Ukraine have been helping the State fight against the aggressor since the first days of the war. They pay taxes and license fees and, at the same time, participate in financing public and regional social and humanitarian projects, as well as help the army and territorial defence units.

For instance, since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of russian troops in Ukraine, members of the Ukrainian Gambling Council have provided charity assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defence units, and internally displaced persons for more than UAH 300 million. Since the beginning of the year, they also transferred almost UAH 400 million in the form of license fees to the state budget.

If you decide to gamble, the key is to choose the services of a legal gambling operator (a complete and up-to-date list is always available on the CRGL website). Then your rights as a gambler will be protected, as well as your data and bank cards.

When using legal gambling services, one can be sure that part of the money spent will go to the army’s needs and be used in fight against the aggressor.

Dear friends, let us support domestic business and choose only legal gambling operators, which is both safe and patriotic.


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