The Ukrainian Gambling Council continues to grow and build up its expertise in various gambling industry sectors. Today, we are happy to announce that the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems (UAPS) has joined the UGC.
The Association’s goal is to promote the development of the market of innovative payment technologies and products aimed at providing users with reliable, fast and useful payment instruments.
The Association’s key objective is the full cooperation with legislative and executive authorities, representatives of public organizations and the business community, aimed at improving the legal framework for the payment infrastructure innovative development in Ukraine and ensuring the quality and availability of all payment methods.
Commenting on the Association’s membership, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Gambling Council Anton Kuchukhidze emphasized: “The Ukrainian gambling market is an integrated economic system with the financial component being its crucial element. That is why I believe that the Association’s membership in the UGC means, first of all, that our members will be able to build up their expertise in the financial and payments sectors.
I believe that cooperation with the UAPS as a UGC’s member will allow legal gambling operators to better understand the functioning of the payment system market in Ukraine and find common ground for the implementation of joint projects with representatives of payment companies.
I thank the Head of the UAPS Halyna Kheilo for her trust and I look forward to fruitful cooperation!”
In turn, the Head of the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems Halyna Kheilo commented on joining the UGC: “In Ukraine, the volume of non-cash payments in 2021 increased by more than 30%, being one of the highest indicators in the history of the Ukrainian payment market. That is why all business sectors in Ukraine are adopting innovative payment solutions. The gambling industry is no exception. On the contrary, it is one of the leaders in adapting the business model to modern payment methods. UAPS joining the Ukrainian Gambling Council is another step towards creating a useful service for customers all over Ukraine. Thanks to this partnership, we will be able to share our expertise, modern practices, innovations, as well as approaches to their implementation.”
UGC is an all-Ukrainian specialized gambling public association seeking to unite the entire legal gambling industry to ensure sustainable and effective development of the gambling business in Ukraine. UGC acts as the main platform for communication between the State and the entire legal gambling industry. Today, the number of UGC members is 25 legal gambling operators, gambling organizations and media representatives.