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UGC will be a strategic partner of the Ukrainian international exhibition "GAMING INDUSTRY"

From November 24 to 26, the International Exhibition Center will host a large-scale specialized exhibition "GAMING INDUSTRY", and the Ukrainian Gambling Council will act as a strategic partner.

Over 50 companies, including many world-famous brands, will participate in the exhibition. They will showcase the latest hardware, software, tech solutions, and other attributes of the legal gambling industry.

In addition to the exhibition itself, an International Conference will be also held during the “GAMING INDUSTRY” event. Recognized experts and opinion leaders in the relevant sectors of the gambling industry will be speakers at the Conference. During their speeches and professional discussions, they will try to answer the most important issues currently faced by the Ukrainian gambling industry.

Commenting on the participation of the Ukrainian Gambling Council in the exhibition, UGC Chairman Anton Kuchukhidze mentioned: "I am pleased to announce that UGC has become a strategic partner of the Ukrainian international exhibition "GAMING INDUSTRY". First, I want to thank the organizers for the level of our partnership. Obviously, the leaders of particular sectors of the gambling industry always unite their efforts to benefit the whole industry, and I am very grateful to the organizers for that.

Secondly, I would like to thank the organizers for doing an extremely important job to strengthen Ukraine's image in the gambling world. By holding this exhibition, Ukraine confirms its status as one of the potential leaders of this industry. Let me remind you that thanks to the efforts of the “GAMING INDUSTRY” organizers, Ukraine is one of the five European countries where such large-scale international events take place.

Companies from 14 countries were represented at the last exhibition. This is a fairly high figure, which once again confirms that Ukraine is considered a leader in the gambling sphere in Eastern Europe and the CIS region. Such events strengthen our image, strengthen our status, and promote the Ukrainian market in the international arena.

I am glad that UGC is not only a partner, but will also take part in the exhibition both at the level of participation in the sectoral Conference and at the level of direct work at the exhibition. I would like to thank organizers of the Ukrainian international exhibition "GAMING INDUSTRY" for this opportunity and the partnership, as well as wish success to them and all participants!"

REFERENCE UGC is a Ukrainian specialized gambling public association seeking to unite the entire legal gambling industry into a single voice to ensure stable and effective development of the gambling business in Ukraine. UGC is the major platform for communication between the State and the entire legal gambling industry. Today, the number of UGC members already amounts to 15 legal gambling operators and organizations.


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