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Ludomania in Ukraine: myths and reality

Ludomania, or gambling addiction in Ukraine, began to be seen as an urgent problem only after the legalization of gambling in 2020. Until then, it was of no interest to politicians and officials, nor to representatives of the third sector - public activists. And this is not surprising, because the existence of the black gambling market suited the part of the corrupt establishment that made money on it, and the vast majority was simply not interested in this issue, since Ukrainians are not a gambling nation and the level of participation in gambling has always been quite low throughout the years of independence. I would like to remind you that only about 7% of Ukrainians are willing to gamble for money. By  the way, this figure is much higher in the EU countries and reaches 30%+. That is, there are only about 1.5 million potential players in Ukraine. Read more


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